
Economic Empowerment for The Poor Through Activating Microfinance Mechanisms

✍️ Dr.Yassir .M.Alobaid

The economic empowerment for the Poor represents an important and vital step in the world, but increasing income alone is not enough to get out of the cycle of poverty in its broad sense, which often includes deprivation of education, high-quality health care and access to healthy water, in addition to the low level of public and private awareness, in addition to the issue of cultural inferiority and political participation. economic empowerment is only a fuller step in the path of human development and raising capabilities in its comprehensive sense. Studies have proven that continuous economic empowerment through microfinance, especially micro-loans and increasing family income, plays an important role in enrolling in education in all its stages. Accordingly microfinance institutions must adopts principles and policies that are not only fix to provide funding, but also extend to include a commitment to adopt education issues in their families and eradicate illiteracy, including technological illiteracy, whether by setting up an incentive system that rewards clients for their success in opening literacy classes or education or by adopting an initiative to encourage Girls education in the eradication of illiteracy, especially women, in addition to the possibility of establishing institutions for educational services Live and environmental awareness as well as human rights and legal for loans from microfinance institutions.
The basic idea of ​​obtaining loans from microfinance is to reach the poorest group, and all beneficiaries of microfinance loans fall into this category, which is directed to the poor whose daily income is less than two dollars a day.
As for the second main idea of ​​obtaining loans from microfinance, it is to reach women, especially in the countryside, and enable them to obtain a loan through microfinance, through which they can accomplish some of the work that suits them. And empowering women means that they have a surplus income through which they can participate in decision-making in Her family and in the local community, and this is one of the most important factors for empowering women in rural areas, which establishes the principle of economic empowerment for them.
The third idea of ​​economic empowerment for the poor is to build institutions that have financial self-sufficiency, and this is one of the objectives of the projects and program for obtaining the loan from microfinance, where it is noted that if the microfinance institution does not achieve the principle of self-sufficiency, and if it no longer exists after a while, how can the poor be helped? Being able to achieve sustainability in financing for microfinance loans institutions that have the ability to obtain financial credits and strong guarantees, whether through self-financing or external financing to ensure financial adequacy, knowing that managing loans through microfinance in a simple way and with standardized procedures reduces costs significantly and this Which leads to achieving a high percentage of sustainability. This type of microfinance is the first step on the success through which the poor rise out of the cycle of poverty.
From the other hand, anti-poverty programs that are based on the principle of economic and social empowerment, raising the capabilities and rehabilitating the poor to earn, work, employ or establish small projects are considered the right way to engage in the development process. For the skills and abilities necessary to provide sufficient income for him and his family, knowing that the ability to earn exceeds and transcends financial support through the social security system or in kind through subsidizing goods and services, because this is considered a dedication to human disability and continued dependence on others and the government. As for the development of the ability to work and earn. It guarantees the continuation of the process of development lines, so there is a general agreement that the policies of education, training and rehabilitation are the most policies that achieve economic development and the appropriate environment for social justice.. This also confirms that the poor can turn into a producer and worker in good time. The poor is not poor in money but rather poor The idea and the mind activitiing the realization of the mind can be a great wandering point in the life of the poor, like what happened in the mining revolution in Sudan specifically the Gold, which was been discovered by the poor and simple people, and thanks to that, many of the poor turned them into rich, businessmen and companies through the extraction and prospecting for gold in the traditional way ant through tradition tools, in which the works of the mind are witnessed.
Establishing investment funds and social security investment funds by providing the necessary microfinance for the poor, which will serve as a social and development safety net to avoid negative effects that impede the process of economic reform and structural adjustment. Qualify them to join the labor market, as well as support the mechanisms of the productive family in centers for preparing productive families and vocational training centers, in addition to providing major complexes for producers equipped with all means of production, especially infrastructure and public facilities, and creating a working environment in addition to market and exhibition services. The mechanisms and examples may vary according to the nature of skills and services that are provided. For the target groups, while the centers for preparing productive families are working to provide financing through microfinance institutions to train the target groups in some crafts such as manufacturing from local materials and providing cash or in-kind loans as well as providing marketing services for these groups. The role of NGOs in providing loans and microfinance can also be activated.The necessary, as well as cooperative loans. Especially since women in rural areas enjoying economic empowerment, such as women in Brazil, South Africa, Kyrgyzstan, Mali and Nepal, are the key to the success of families, local communities and national economies through the work of the productive family in productive local occupations such as agriculture and livestock products, and through that the family maintains the leadership of women Producers need to educate their children, the family health of their children, and abundance of food security and nutrition, which leads to the achievement of development (SDGs), which achieves the real economic empowerment of families and women, as well as the achievement of the sustainable development goals for the year 2030, as well as the implementation of sound and sustainable mechanisms for resource management and infrastructurغe development in productive and urban rural areas through microfinance and cooperative .

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