
The Return of the “Dawn Visitors”

Dr. Elshafie Khidir Saeid

History tells us about a phenomenon when leaders who cling to power usually and gradually start to sustain weakness of memory and blindness of insight. They do not recall history lessons saying that although the systematic arrest and aggression of their opponents may help them to remain in power for some time eventually they will be overthrown. That was the case of the Ingaz regime when it was kicked off power despite its strong bloody aggression machinery that was used brutally against the masses during the great revolution of December 2018.

It seems that this phenomenon is exercising its magic among the leaders of today through weakening their memory, and their insight is blinded to what happened during the last days of the Ingaz regime. They are following the same crooked approach of the Ingaz, activating the same “Dawn Visitors” to carry out aggressive measures against the masses, especially the youth, and I do not know if they are aware that this approach will lead, in the near future, to their fall as was the result with the Ingaz.

The “Dawn Visitors” are carrying out the arrest campaigns that are targeting all the resistance committees activists and hundreds of the youth of the December revolution, and the reason is that they organize processions and demonstrations to reject and resist the twenty-fifth of October 2021 coup, and to call for the restoration of democracy and civilian lead transitional government. These preemptive arrests are aiming to reduce and weaken the processions and the demonstrations, but they did not work and will not!

It is also very true that the will of those youth occupying the streets will never be broken even if the demonstrations and the processions are confronted with bloody lethal violence. In other words, the will of the people can never be defeated or controlled. This is an objective law that will be in effect whether we know it or not, irrespective of the state of the memory and the insight of the leaders staying in power.

If we ask why people, parties, and individuals, are seeking power, we may hear or read dozens of answers, but the most interested and important ones, in my opinion, are four: They may seek power materialize and to implement the visions, perceptions, and programs based on an ideology, in which the seeker of power believes, and sees them as the most legitimate and viable options for change and development, apart from the other’s options. Or they seek power assuming that they are more qualified and more efficient than others to achieve the people’s dreams of reform, establishing justice, and developing the country.

The third answer may be related to using the power to protect private interests, even if at the expense of national interests. The fourth answer revolves around searching for personal glory and cultivating illusions, then trying to harvest them. It is clear that the third and the fourth answers are never acknowledged or admitted, but they are strongly denied and never mentioned or uttered by the lips of the speaker, but rather they are left to his conscience and the comprehension of the listener. The majority of those who are seeking power are usually preaching publicly the discourse that combines the first and the second answers. But, only the actual practical experience in power and governance will determine whether this is true or not and whether their proposition is real or just a false claim that hides the fact that they are following or adopting the third or the fourth answer.

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