
President of Sovereignty Council Speech on the Occasion of Eid Al-Fitr

In the name of Allah the Merciful

Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the best of God’s creation and our master Muhammad bin Abdullah, who was sent as a mercy to the worlds, and upon his family and companions and those who are guided by his guidance until the Day of Judgment

Dear Citizens,

On this blessed day, I would like to extend to all of you, inside and outside the country, my best wishes and blessings, on the occasion of the blessed Eid Al-Fitr. and do

Since the eruption of the glorious December revolution and its completion with the joining of the armed forces to it under the desire of all the people of Sudan, we have been working together to achieve the hopes and aspirations of the revolutionaries in building a Sudan of freedom, peace, and justice. We have become in a state of repulsion, disharmony, and non-acceptance of one another, and this has negatively affected the overall situation in the country politically, socially, and economically, exposing its future to various risks.

Dear Citizens,

Perhaps you have followed the tireless efforts undertaken by a generous group of people and its various entities in presenting initiatives with the aim of bringing the national ranks together. There are similar efforts undertaken by international and regional organizations by virtue of Sudan’s affiliation with them. We are certain that the plurality of initiatives is an expression of the importance of national reconciliation and cohesion as long as they all contribute to that. direction

Honorable citizens,

From the reality of our national and historical responsibility, we affirm our commitment to work with our countrymen in all their political and social components, no matter how divergent the trends and positions are.
They transcend, unite, and rise above differences, and put the homeland and its people into the place of sanctification in order to reach practical formulas and solutions that take into account the interests of the state and its people first, heal wounds, heal the underlying disputes and conflicts and work to advance the interest of Sudan over the interests of all.

The bloody and unfortunate conflicts that some parts of our country are witnessing, the last of which was in the state of West Darfur, claimed the lives of a generous group of my countrymen.
Which stops such actions and ensures that there is no escaping from accountability and punishment. These events and others do not come out of the repercussions of the general situation in our country is experiencing, and all of these things push us to move with the required speed on the path of national consensus

On behalf of all of you, I congratulate all officers, non-commissioned officers, soldiers of the armed forces with all its components, and other security services for their great role in the protection and stability of this country. They always offer the most wonderful examples of sacrifice, redemption, loyalty, and selflessness. And I tell them that the future is for you and for the coming generations, so you are the hope and the hope. Preserve and preserve your country with your effort and your thought, and as much as you love it. Do not neglect its security and unity, and in order to avoid the pitfalls of the past, you must be democratic.
honorable citizens

May our Homeland and Nation be well every year, may it progress and prosper, may God accept the martyrs of my country and the victory of its soldiers,

Happy Eid & a Happy Hew Year

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