
Sudan on the Frontlines of Combatting Illegal Migration and Human Trafficking

Muawad Mustafa Rashid

In October 2019, the General Assembly of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) held in Santiago, Chile with officials representing  144 countries, lauded the Sudanese government’s efforts in combatting illegal migration and human trafficking.

Sudan participated by a high-level delegation led and presented a working paper on Sudanese efforts in combatting human trafficking through security and legislative measures. The paper enumerated the efforts of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on the issue, especially in the bordering lines of Sudan with other countries considering that Sudan is a crossing point for human traffickers towards the European coasts.

On the other hand, the Sudanese government signed the Headquarters Agreement to host the African Union Centre for Combatting Illegal Migration.

It is worth noting that the center is the first of its kind in the continent to provide services to all African countries. The center is supported by the European Union technically and financially.

Khartoum’s hosting of the center comes in recognition of Sudan’s role and contribution to the fight against illegal migration in the Horn of Africa.

The recognition of the international community to Sudan’s role in combatting illegal migration to the extent of making Khartoum the head office of the African Union Centre for Combatting Illegal Migration indicates that Sudan plays a great role in combatting illegal migration and human trafficking.

Reading the African Union’s recognition and the Interpol General Assembly’s hailing the role of Sudan puts our country in a real challenge, considering that Sudan is a transit country to the European shores for human traffickers who get the advantage of the broad borders which Sudan is sharing with several African countries.

It is high time for the international community especially the UN concerned agencies to provide all possible support to Sudan to enable its authorities to continue their efforts in combatting human trafficking and illegal migration in a professional manner.

Our Rapid Support Forces (RSF) are doing a great job in curbing the illegal migration, border crossing crimes, and human trafficking through its tireless combing campaigns in the bordering zones and even inside the cities including greater Khartoum.

In short, Sudan needs to be provided with all possible technical assistance to allow its government contributes more to combat illegal migration and human trafficking.

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