
Chinese President Xi Jinping Speaks with US President Joe Biden Over the Phone

Staff Writer

Chinese President Xi Jinping received a phone call from American President Joe Biden on the evening of July 28. Where the two presidents had candid communication and exchange on China-US relations and issues of common interest to both sides.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the world is currently witnessing continuous development in two directions, one of which is heading to turmoil and the other to transformation, in addition to the emergence of deficits in the areas of development, especially in security.

In the face of a world in which transformations are intertwined, and unrest, saying that it is one of the aspirations of the international community and the people of the world that China and the United States play a leading role in maintaining peace and security in the world and the promotion of development and prosperity in it.

And that counts on the responsibility of China and the United States as two major countries.

Xi Jinping stressed that considering China as the most important adversary and the most serious challenge in the long run, as a result of the outlook for China-US relations defining it from the point of view of strategic competition is a misjudgment of Sino-US relations and misunderstanding of China’s development, misleading the two peoples and the international community.

Both sides need to maintain communication at all levels and activate already existing communication channels, & payment cooperation between the two sides.

The current situation of the world economy is fraught with challenges, and China should remain connected to the United States to communicate on important issues such as coordination of Macroeconomic policies and maintaining the stability of industry chains, global supply, and ensuring global energy and food security.

The violation of economic rules such as disengagement and cutting chains does not help revitalize the American economy and even makes the global economy more fragile and weak.

The two sides should also push calmly on regional hotspots to contribute to ridding the world of the Coronavirus emerging pandemic as soon as possible and get it out of the predicament of stagflation and the constant risks of depression.

Xi Jinping mainly explained China’s principled position on the Taiwan question, stressing that the Taiwan question has historical significance and that it is clear that both sides of the strait belong to one China as a fact.

The three joint statements between China & the United States are a political commitment made by both sides, A principle of One China is a political basis for Sino-US relations.

He stated “We refuse unequivocally & reject the “Taiwan independence” separatist activities and the interference of outside forces. We will not leave any room whatsoever for the forces of ‘Independence Taiwan” whatever its form.

The position of the Chinese government and people shall be that the question of Taiwan is always and unchanging, and it is to safeguard China’s national sovereignty. It is this resolute territorial integrity that represents the unwavering will of the 14 billion Chinese people.

The will of the people is irresistible, and whoever plays with fire will surely burn himself. We hope that the American side realizes that, and that they should adhere to the one-China principle in their words, deeds, and practice.

For his part, President Joe Biden said that today’s world is going through a phase and that decisive cooperation between China and the United States does not serve the interest of the two peoples only, but the interest of all the peoples of the world.

The US side hopes to maintain an open dialogue with the Chinese side to enhance their acquaintance and avoid misunderstanding and seek cooperation with China in areas of common interest, with differences appropriately managed and controlled.

He stated, “I would like to reaffirm that the one-China policy of the United States has not changed and will not change, and the American side does not support an ‘Independent Taiwan’.”

The two presidents also exchanged views on the Ukrainian crisis, with Xi Jinping reiterating China’s position.

The two presidents considered this phone call frank and in-depth, & they have agreed to keep in touch and assign a team to both sides to continue communication and cooperation in this regard.

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