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Amnesty International Delivers a Message with 15,000 Signatures: Enough Silence on Sudan, Biden!

Amnesty International addressed the White House with a message and a press release through the Washington Post, signed by its partners “Humanity United, Human Rights Watch, and Refugees International,” bearing more than 15,000 signatures demanding President Biden speak out about Sudan.

Amnesty urged President Biden to take decisive steps to protect civilians in Sudan, including speaking personally about Sudan, condemning the atrocities, and pressuring leaders who fuel the conflict by violating the arms embargo on Darfur. The organization also called for prioritizing life-saving aid to respond to the rapidly growing humanitarian crisis.

Last April, on the conflict’s anniversary, Amnesty International in the United States met with key partners including Refugees International, Humanity United, the Sudanese American Physicians Association, and the Sudanese American Public Affairs Association to host a rally with activists and members of Congress. A petition with more than 15,000 signatures was delivered, urging President Biden to speak out about Sudan. Despite this, President Biden has remained nearly silent on Sudan for over a year.

The organization stated that many Sudanese within the country are likely already suffering from famine, despite limited access by external humanitarian actors.

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