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As African celebrates its 61st Anniversary Sudan’s steadfast solidarity with African liberation struggle faces unexpected betrayal (3-3)

By; Mohammed Ahmed Adam

Although the latest cold-blooded massacre by the terrorist militia in Wad Al-nora village Al Jazira State, – using heavy artillery and anti-aircraft guns, killing at least 200 civilians, half of them women and children- has been met with broad international and regional condemnation, however, AU’s statement in this regard, has revealed time and time again , that the AU is still mired in a state of disorientation and elusiveness, determined to keep the organization on the wrong side of history, vis-a-vis the aftermath of preplanned RSF militia’s military coup, against the legitimate Government of the Sudan on the 15th April 2023.

Typically falling short of naming the perpetrator, does not only empty the AU’s statement off its content, it further proves that AU’s leadership insists on diluting and blurring the facts on the ground, in favor of the RSF militia. Though ignoring the elephant in the room policy on the part of the AU, has repeatedly proved counterproductive; as it continues to give the militia the blank check, free reign in committing further crimes against humanity and war crimes.

The statement is released at the time, the terrorist militia intensifies and narrows their stifling blockade and weaponizing starvation, coupled with heavy and indiscriminate shelling of civilian neighborhoods in El-Fashir, in complete heedlessness and contempt, to regional and international appeals in this respect.

While the AU systematically dodges naming the said offender, another regional organization in comparison, was on the right time and place; the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) did not flinch and was prompt in pointing its finger to the RSF terrorist militia, as being responsible for the massacre in Wad al-Nora, Al-Jazira State. ICGLR issued a strongly-worded statement unequivocally condemning the RSF rebel militia’s, stating that targeting of civilians, is a blatant violation of international humanitarian law and cannot be tolerated under any circumstances.

Noteworthy, ICGLR since its founding, has had Insightful, principled and unwavering attitudes, against the phenomenon of rebel movements in Africa (non-state actors), predicated on the assumption that, these negative forces have increasingly become on one hand, the stumbling block; frustrating all Africa’s sincere endeavors, towards political stability, economic development and prosperity.

On the other hand, much worse is the fact that, most of these rebel movements have proven to be mere marionettes, in the hands of the foreign powers, that continue plundering and looting African natural resources, by means of fanning and exacerbating civil wars and orchestrated intrastate conflicts in the continent.

Having state that, recent events in which France started to lose swathes of its traditional influence in Africa, where it has long exploited and plundered its wealth, opens up a Pandora box, not solely about France’s superiority and exploitative history in Africa over the past decades, but also on the presumed despicable role played by the French intelligence apparatus, in orchestrating dozens of military coups, political assassinations and ravaging civil wars in west Africa in particular, in its bid to nip in the bud, any manifestation of resistance towards its mammoth colonial influence and hegemony.

With the above in mind, any attempt to understand the current malignant project and objectives of the RSF militia in Sudan, outside this very context, shall equally proves, utterly naïve and pointless.

As a matter of fact, the current war of RSF militia in Sudan, is a stereotype of the so-called fourth-generation warfare; overthrowing of States, by dismantling its joints and institutions, sowing and exporting terrorism, using media and psychological warfare, to spread rumors and lies and progressively distorting citizens’ confidence in their State and its armed forces.

In other words, fourth-generation warfare, focuses at their core on political, economic, social and psychological warfare, invests in societies’ internal complexities, blowing up their internal cohesion, encourages narrowed prejudices, mainly to cause about, communal polarization on ethnic and tribal lines across the country, ultimately resulting in the fall of the State from within.

What actually marks the current phase of imperialistic scheme against the Sudan, is the featuring and obvious polarization of some senior officials at the helm of neighboring countries or even the AU, to act as a cat claws, for the Western scheme targeting Sudan and its sovereignty.

Standing in front of cameras and podiums, the said leaders, in their fully elegant suits, reciting from the rehearsed script, in the political and diplomatic international circus against the Sudan, under different pressures or temptations, paving the door wide, for an already drawn scheme of political and military intervention in the Sudan, under different guises and justifications.

Dots need to be connected, some leaders in neighboring capitals, accorded official reception to the visiting leader of the terrorist militia (no wonder, on board of UAE private plane), In a desperate public relations campaign to improve the image of the militia stained with innocents’ blood.

Ironically, the leaders who continued ever since the war began, to shed crocodile tears, on the importance of ending the fight and restoring peace and security in Sudan, are themselves, a major wellspring of the foreign mercenaries, currently wreaking havoc, looting, killing and turning the Sudan into a blood bath.

it’s utterly naive in this respect, to think that these leaders ignore about their mercenary citizens, fighting within the apartheid Militia, or that they acted alone without their States’ knowledge.

In this context, one of the pertinent comments on Hemiti’s visit to South Africa, was made by one political activist; who was wondering “How can South Africa goes to accuse Israel of genocide during its military campaign in the Gaza Strip, and at the same time, and welcomes at the same time, in its territories, a certified war criminal, a commander of a militia proved to have committed in Sudan, no less barbaric genocide, ethnic cleansing, collective forced and eviction of civilians from their homes, perpetrated by Israel in Gaza?

To tell the truth, Hemiti’s visit to South Africa, constitutes per se, a major setback to yet a highly sensitive issue for Africans at large and black South Africans in particular; namely, the fight and struggle against racial discrimination.

It’s not an arbitrary accusation; perhaps the most serious and unequivocal statement was recently made by the very United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Adviser, on the Prevention of Genocide, Alice Wairimu Ndreto, who clearly indicated that civilians who are currently targeted in Darfur, are attacked and killed because of their skin color, race and identity, with widespread hate speech and direct incitement to violence.

Such ethnic-based mayhems, was further elucidated in the most recent report of the Human Rights Watch, issued in May this year, in which it accuses the RSF notorious militia, of committing both genocide and ethnic cleansing in Darfur, deliberately and systematically targeting the non-Arab African tribe” Masalit “, explaining that targeting of Masalit and other non-Arab communities, prompted the latter, to leave the region permanently.

On the other hand, the proverb “a guilty conscience needs no accuser’’ may apply on the remarks made by the US envoy Tom Perello to the BBC couple of days ago, in which he referred to the militia’s ongoing relentless attempts to take over El-Fasher city, and subsequently declaring Darfur as a separate state, according to the Libyan model ( in what looks like the militia’s plan B, after the fiasco of the military coup’s in Khartoum emerged on the horizon), reiterating that his country would not, under any circumstances, recognize independent Darfur.

The timing of this remarks, does not only reposition American hidden agenda on a litmus test, it arguably reminds and calls forth, some imperialistic plans and theories, such as Bernard Lewis’s Greater Middle East, on the necessity of re-dividing the Arab and Islamic countries, into tribal and sectarian units. Equally, the Israeli doctrine of ‘’ periphery States”. Obviously, in both the cases, Sudan has been in the heart of the targeting scheme.

To that effect, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has approved yesterday, a resolution demanding that Sudan’s paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) halt the siege of El- in North Darfur region and end fighting in the area. The resolution expressed “grave concern” at the spreading violence and reports that the RSF is carrying out “ethnically motivated violence” in El-Fasher.

Yesterday’s overwhelming UNSC resolution, could equally be construed as ‘’biting the bullet’’ as it comes in the aftermath of proved and repeated RSF’s embarrassing flops, in conquering the besieged city. Field situations in El Fashir confirmed day after day, that the joint forces (Sudan ‘s armed forces and the Darfur armed struggle movements) continue to withstand and repulse repeatedly, the attacking RSF.

In fact, El-Fasher tells of heroic epic, in which the joint forces, continue to destroy consecutive wave over wave, of sporadic desperate and suicidal attacks by the militia fighters propped by the mercenaries, inflicted in the process, with huge loss in lives and equipment, seizure of tens of military vehicles, containing machine guns and large quantities of weapons, munitions and equipment.

Back to the Security Council, the Russian Ambassador to the Security Council made yesterday, a very significant statements, blocking the way for all negative and wily interference in the Sudanese affairs on the pretext of humanitarian situation (Paris Conference). She called on the members of the Council to pay attention to the fact that the Sudan is a sovereign State, thereby exclusively responsible for its national borders and the entry of any goods. More importantly calling on Member States, to stop concealing behind noble goals of entering humanitarian assistance into the Sudan, to promote their non-constructive agendas.

The Permanent Representative of Russia to the Security Council further stressed the need not to overestimate the problem of food insecurity in the Sudan, pointing out that problem is not necessarily caused by the lack of food supplies, but rather by the difficulty in distributing them in some areas. She stressing the importance of cooperation with the Government of the Sudan – Instead of exploiting the problem of hunger – in addressing the problem of food and support agriculture.

In conclusion, the pertinent question to ask here; how much more evidence, would our fellow Africans need to ascertain that the barbaric RSF project in Sudan, no matter how the militia and its political allies, trumpet the otherwise, is a cross-boundary, a par excellence, overly racist project, whose expansionism, existential threats and negative ramifications, will not be necessarily limited to Sudan, if it happen to prevail. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.

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