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Condemnation of Rapid Support Forces’ Violations in Wad Al Noura and El Fasher and the Assassination of Journalists:

The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (Revolutionary Front)

Press Statement

Condemnation of Rapid Support Forces’ Violations in Wad Al Noura and El Fasher and the Assassination of Journalists:

In recent days, the country has witnessed a rise in systematic and targeted retaliatory campaigns aimed at exterminating innocent and defenseless civilians. These atrocities, carried out by the militia in areas such as Wad Al Noura in Al-Jazirah State and El Fasher in the Darfur region, are alarming. We have observed the abduction and murder of national journalists who strive to convey the truth to the public. Among the victims are Makkawi Mohamed Ahmed of the Sudan News Agency and Moawia Abdel Razek, who worked with several newspapers including Al-Jareeda, Akhirlahza, Alakhbar, and Al-Sahafa. We pray that Almighty God showers them with His mercy and grants patience to their families.

The rebellious Rapid Support Forces are committing these heinous crimes, which are strongly condemned and defy both national and international laws. These deplorable actions signify the militia’s descent towards its end. We must not turn a blind eye to these horrific massacres; it is imperative to continue confronting them militarily, politically, and through the media to encircle and defeat these militia strongholds. The leaders and allies responsible for these genocidal crimes across various parts of Sudan, most recently in Wad Al Noura and El Fasher, must be captured and held accountable. This onslaught has displaced women, children, and the elderly, while the militia’s obstruction of aid delivery has exacerbated the suffering of the displaced.

The leadership of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (Revolutionary Front) stands in mourning for the innocent victims and reiterates its condemnation and denunciation of the mass killings, looting of private and public properties, burning of civilian homes and state facilities, and the obstruction of humanitarian aid to the displaced. We call on regional and international human rights and humanitarian organizations to vocally condemn these atrocious crimes committed by the terrorist Rapid Support Forces. The world must take an ethical stand to uphold its role and bring justice to the victims. The movement reaffirms its steadfast commitment to continue the struggle alongside the Sudanese people, the armed forces, and all national resistance formations to restore security and stability.

Saad Mohamed Abdullah
Official Spokesperson of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (Revolutionary Front)
June 6, 2024

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