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The Republic of The Sudan Ministry of Foreign Affairs Office of Spokesperson and Media Directorate Press Statement

The brutal massacre committed by the terrorist Janjaweed militia in the village of “Wad Al-Noura” in Al-Gazira State, on Wednesday 5th June 2024, which claimed the lives of more than 180 defenseless villagers, including children and women, represents one of the repercussions of the international community’s inaction towards the criminal militia, its foreign mercenaries, and regional sponsors whom the international community has been passively watching as they continue to supply the Militia with lethal and advanced weapons through an extended air bridge from the UAE to Chad for more than a year.
The brutality of the massacre surpasses the worst crimes of the internationally known terrorist groups such as ISIS, Boko Haram, and the LRA. Furthermore, the Militia is employing the same tactics used by the death squads during Rwanda Genocide 1994. This is manifested by Militia’s targeting of civilians fleeing its ongoing assault on El Fasher on ethnic basis.
The Government of Sudan, therefore, demands that this massacre be a turning point in the way the international community views the Militia.
It is high time the Militia has been determined a terrorist group that represents a threat to the entire humanity.
This entails that all governments, international and regional institutions treat the Militia, its leaders, members, sponsors, supporters, and apologists in the same way that ISIS, Boko Haram, and the rest of the terrorist organizations and their supporters, are treated.
Therefore, any contacts with this savage militia by countries, officials of regional or international organizations, claiming to be keen on peace in Sudan, will no longer be understood or accepted, whatever the justifications.
In this context, the Government of Sudan regrets that a number of international and regional organizations have so far failed to unequivocally condemn the crimes of genocide, ethnic cleansing, crimes against humanity, and other violations of international humanitarian law committed by the Militia. This failure on the part of these organizations amounts to supporting impunity, which in turn, encourages the Militia to adamantly continue perpetrating unprecedented crimes.
The Government of Sudan would ,moreover, like to make it clear that governments and entities that supply the Militia with weapons, equipment, and money, or those that facilitate transit and entry of mercenaries , and those who provide the leaders and members of the Militia and its political facade with platforms to hold meetings, spread propaganda, and launder its dirty money, are considered complicit of the Militia in the atrocities it commits against the Sudanese people, and they will pay the price for this bloody partnership.
Issued on Thursday 6th June 2024

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