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The Security Council issued on Thursday, June 13, a resolution under Chapter VI, demanding that the RSF militia to halt its siege of El Fasher city and to halt fighting in and around the city

The Republic of Sudan
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Office of Spokesperson and Media Directorate

Press Statement

The Security Council issued on Thursday, June 13, a resolution under Chapter VI, demanding that the RSF militia to halt its siege of El Fasher city and to halt fighting in and around the city, and calling for protection of civilians. The resolution called for the full implementation of the Jeddah Declaration issued on May 11, 2023. Besides, underscoring the urgency of addressing the funding shortfall of humanitarian response plan and encouraging the international donors to honour their pledges. Furthermore, the resolution laid emphasis on all UN member states to refrain from external interference with a view to fomenting conflict and instability in Sudan , and instead to enhance efforts for a durable peace, and to withholding from transferring arms and military equipment to Darfur.

In this regard, the Government of Sudan reaffirms its adherence to the Jeddah Declaration and its commitment to international humanitarian law and to other measures relating to protection of civilians. The Government of Sudan emphasises , in this respect, that Sudanese Armed Sudanese (SAF) when carrying out their constitutional duties to defending the country’s Sovreignty and territorial integrity and the Sudanese people, it upholds to international law recognized rules of military engagement.

The Govenment of Sudan also confirms its commitment to facilitating the granting of entry visas to the employees of international humanitarian organizations and workers in the humanitarian field, which has been continuously upheld.

The Militia’s heinous atrocities committed in El Fasher, El Geneina, Wad El Noura, and in dozens of villages in Al Gazira, North, South and West Kordofan, and Khartoum, by its deliberate targeting of residential areas, public facilities, and hospitals, has proven that it is the sole source of threat to civilians and humanitarian workers. These vicious crimes should have been condemned unequivocally by the UN and the Security Council.

While the Government of Sudan welcomes the Security Council’s call for all countries to refrain from interfering in Sudanese affairs and fueling the war, it is surprised that the Council is still hesitant to condemning the countries that have been confirmed to be the main instigators of the continuation of the war, and their insistence on continuing to supply the terrorist militia with lethal and advanced weapons which are used in committing atrocities against the civilians. The Security Council has received sufficient information about the flagrant role of those countries.

The Government of Sudan renews its gratitude to all countries and humanitarian organizations involved in humanitarian assistance in Sudan. It further affirms its determination to continue to work with the international community to ensure that humanitarian aid reaches those in need, in accordance with its national guidelines and United Nations principles. At the same time, the Government of Sudan stresses that there is no imminent famine in Sudan, as the Sudan’s food stock, according to reports by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Ministry of Agriculture, is sufficient to meet the needs of the citizens, and suggests that the United Nations can purchase food supplies from the local market at the production areas in the country.

Friday, June 14, 2024

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