
Women and children were burned in the Zarq villages..Militia crimes…the black record

report: Mohammed gmal gandol

There are countless tragic stories and narratives between the villages of the island and the far reaches of Davor

A group affiliated with (Khal Hemedti) killed and burned women and children in (Umm Baar)

Rebels, exploiting Mawater, burned Zaghawa villages around Zarq

The militia liquidated the prisoners of the regular forces on an ethnic basis.

Citizen Muhammad Abdullah says to his companion Hussein, commenting on the violations of the Rapid Support militias against civilians, “The pillar is that after the army rids us of them, we have the right to create a new independence and an anthem for a new flag… It is not good and they have missed the Mongols, the Tatars, and the Jews.”
As soon as the Sudanese sun rises daily, news spreads about new crimes added to the black record of this criminal terrorist militia. Between the villages of the island and the far reaches of Davor are countless stories and novels, amid a shameful international silence, despite the fact that the militia condemns itself and depicts its violations until it has become an example in exporting… Terrorism.

Burning women

During the past few days, the Zarqa areas witnessed an expansion of the scope of Rapid Support violations, and well-informed sources told Alkarama that the rebels, after the recent battles with the joint forces of the movements supporting the army, committed many crimes of genocide and ethnic cleansing.
The sources added that on June 17, a group affiliated with the rebel Saleh Issa (uncle of the militia leader) in the Umm Baar area entered the village of Arori, and killed civilian women, children, and men. Rather, they burned the women who appeared in videos with the joint forces of the movements when they entered the area, then after that they looted the market and the livestock, leaving nothing behind, and finally they burned the village.

Yesterday, a group of militia riding in the “Mawater” burned the Zaghawa villages around Zarq, knowing that the rebels were coming from El Geneina and moving from the Zarq camp, where the mayor of Zarq directed that the Zaghawa villages be burned in retaliation for their sons, in addition to the rebel forces liquidating prisoners of the regular forces on an ethnic basis.
This became clear when the rebels entered the city of Al-Fula, the capital of West Kordofan State, where all non-Missiriya and Rizeigat prisoners were killed.

Destroying the rebellion project

Observers considered that the rebellion no longer had anything to lose, especially after the large losses it had suffered recently, especially in the El Fasher axis, in addition to completely exposing it to the world and exposing its ongoing violations, not only in Darfur, but also in the capital and its various localities, in addition to the state of Jazira, which witnessed the most horrific crimes against its citizens, and not far away a massacre. The village of Wad Al Noura, which claimed the lives of more than 200 people, thus dealing with tribal and regional dimensions after their project was destroyed by the valor of the armed forces and security services since the first hours of the Rapid Support militia rebellion.
Observers considered that all violations of this militia should be exposed to the world, not in the hope of intervention by the international community, as experiences have proven that international powers are contradictory in their calls for human rights and their positions on issues that affect rights, but to expose the rebellion, which is losing on a daily basis in all aspects.

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