
Messages to the people of Sennar, public opinion and humanitarian organizations

By/Saad Mohammed Abdullah

 The official spokesman for the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (Revolutionary Front)

 To our great people:

 You have lived through difficult hours between intense fire and the suffering of displacement in various directions after the invasion of the city of Sinja by the rebel Rapid Support militia, which committed widespread and indescribable violations.  It carried out operations of intimidation, killing, forced displacement, plundering of private and public property, and other war crimes that are strongly condemned. You withstood all these disasters. We assure you that the armed forces, the forces of the People’s Army, and all factions of the national resistance are working on all fronts of the fighting in order to restore stability. We are confident that the battle will  The state of Sennar is reaching its end with our valiant forces taking control of the situation, and we appeal to you to unite to resist this disaster for the sake of a free, victorious and stable Sennar. 

 To the leaders of civil, religious and political administrations:

 Our societies today need the wisdom of civil leadership, the morals of moderate religion, and the skill of national politicians, and all of these roles must be integrated around one point, which is spreading reassurance among citizens and calling on young people to defend their homeland and people from within the ranks of the armed forces and other forces that are now standing in the line of fire for the sake of freedom.  And dignity, when we stand to appeal to the fathers of the leaders of the native administration, religious sects and national organizations, we remember their historical roles in liberating this country from colonialism and achieving independence for Sudan throughout history.  Today, we also face a colonial war made up of traitors and mercenaries who attack cities and villages, driven by directions and funding from the governments of countries known to everyone.  Therefore, it is time for us to stand in one row and united for national liberation.

 To humanitarian organizations: 

 Sennar State is now witnessing a large displacement in all directions, and our people are living in very difficult conditions, and as you know, among the displaced are children, the elderly, people with special needs, and those with chronic diseases, and all of these groups need humanitarian care, and we know that you may face very many obstacles in delivering relief to those in need, depending on the circumstances.  The security situation facing the country, but despite all this, we call on you to coordinate with the official authorities in Sennar State to open ports through which you can pass humanitarian aid and life-saving medicines to hospitals in order to mitigate the impact of the disaster. 

 To media professionals and opinion makers: 

 We have followed the flow of torrential torrents of information through various media platforms, whether on social networking sites or on satellite channel screens, and much of what is being circulated is not true and in fact raises terror and panic among citizens, which has caused the movement of displacement to increase sharply in many directions. We are in dangerous moments, and the credibility of the news must be investigated.  Before publishing and circulating it so that we do not exaggerate the catastrophe in which we see our people today, I therefore appeal to media professionals and opinion makers to pay attention to these observations, and a government media machine must be activated that transmits news officially and continuously in order to block the path of rumor mongers in various channels and newspapers.

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