
And here is Our Special Envoy for Americans

Written by sabri mohammed ali
And what would you anticipate after the assassination attempt against the former US President (Trump),-cum-current Republican nominee for the presidential race, was repeated once again for the second time, since the launching of his campaign, as reported by Sky News and the BBC Arabic on Monday

  • Just what if…
    The Sudan expresses its deep concern for this violence and calls on the American man in the street to exercise self-control and to show respect for the democratic process so that the American people elect who they want their president
  • And what if ……
    The Sudan nominates Mr.
    Hajj El Tom Ali Abou Rass, its special envoy who will invite the American sides who are at loggerhead about the presidency, for talks at (Erkawit) resort, or at (Sidi Al Hassan) sanctuary in Kassala or at (Al Kassiah public park) in Madani, where he would serve them rebukes after rebukes and then exercise ego-caressing for them
    Followed by a “hefty good meal” dinner from Taibat, from Adam’s Barbeque, or Awadia for fried fish meal
  • Just what if ….
    He accompanied (our brothers) the Americans in a stroll alongside the River Nile Street, to enjoy a hot minted cup of tea that would relax the tensed persons
    *And Just what if….
    The Sudanese Special Envoy for the United States of America comes out from time to time to talk to the world about the vision of our country regarding the American violence and the tremendous efforts exerted by the Sudanese Ministry of
    foreign Affairs to handle it
    *And Just what if…
    The Sudan proposes to bring together the belligerent parties to (Kriba one ) and (kraiba two) resorts, and at the same time invites all the peace loving and honest people around the globe to draw a road map that will guarantee the parties to the conflict will sit for peaceful negations
    *And Just what if…
    Our envoy travels in person and leads the Ajaweed (the good office brokers) to mediate between the American republican and democrat foes, organizes a presser about the success of the National Congress party in the coming general elections
  • And what if
    The Sudan brings to the attention of the world the plight of the street children in New York for example and their suffering in lack of food and medicines because of the waves of violence that used to accompany American elections
  • And what if …
    The Sudan warns the world against being lenient towards what was going on in America and the possible consequences of undermining the world peace and security
  • And what if ….
    The Sudan adopts a campaign to collect donations for the (good hearted) American people so that they would overcome their current electoral predicament in peace
    Listen up people
    Am not talking out of my mind, am I!!
    What do we lack?
    Speaking English?
    Or knotting a neck tie and coming dressed in full suit attire?
    Or putting on well-polished black shoe?

The whole process has become bluffing and tricking
And even here we are well versed in this enterprise, aren’t we!!
Am I mistaken in any way folks??
Tuesday 17 September 2024

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