Exclusive Conversations

Leader of the Democratic Unionist Party, Hatem Al-Sir, about the Cairo Conference:

By : Mohammed gmal gandol
(…) This accusation is false
The Egypt conference will be a platform for achieving tangible progress in resolving the Sudanese crisis.
The Egyptian role in the solution cannot be dispensed with
Everyone should sound the alarm
Hamdok’s presence reflects the importance of involving all parties
Dialogue_Mohamed Jamal Kandul
On July 6th, attention will be directed towards the land of the Canaan, which is hosting the Cairo Conference of Political and Civil Forces. The original Democratic Unionist Party will form a presence in the forum through which Cairo seeks to achieve progress in the level of the crisis in Sudan.
To talk more about the participation of the federalist party, Al Karama put questions on the table of the federal leader and advisor to the head of the Democratic Federal Party, Hatem Al-Sir, who attended with additional answers.
*What is expected from the Cairo conference?
The Cairo conference is expected to be a platform for achieving tangible progress towards resolving the Sudanese crisis, by bringing together the political and civil groups to discuss ways to stop the war and achieve sustainable peace.
What people most expect from this important forum is the opening of a new page in the history of Sudan towards comprehensive reconciliation despite the depth of the wounds, because in the end the Sudanese have nothing but each other.
The primary goal is to reach consensus on a common vision for rebuilding Sudan on democratic foundations and to enhance regional and international cooperation to support these efforts. And reaching a minimum level of national consensus, by defining a true definition of what we as Sudanese agree on.
Today, it has become clear, known, and evident what we disagree on. This platform is an opportunity to define what we agree on.
*There are accusations that the Cairo conference is an attempt to restore the relationship between Taqaddam and the forces supporting the army?
This is a false accusation, a narrow view, and a reduction of a great work to a limited goal!! The Cairo conference is a serious attempt by sister Egypt to help Sudan overcome the current crisis by facilitating the Sudanese national dialogue.
The Cairo Conference is an important qualitative shift in ending the state of severe political polarization and finding commonalities among all the people of Sudan.
Relations between Sudanese political forces have not been severed because Sudan is not a country where people live on isolated islands. There are forces supporting the Sudanese state and its armed forces, which are led by the President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Al-Burhan.
These political forces have their own national positions and appeal to everyone to reach a meeting point.
An inclusive dialogue between all factions, including those with different interpretations, visions, and old projects, is part of efforts to achieve a comprehensive and sustainable solution to the crisis.
We understand that there are forces from which freedom and change have split, and forces that have had rifts with the military junta, who have reservations about sitting with their old bodies, but we do not have sensitivity towards a person. We will sit with anyone who wants peace and dialogue, and we will talk to him for a long time, and we will try to convince him of the importance of supporting the state, the necessity of ending rebellion and war, and the inevitability of linking the democratic path to talking about elections.
*Your assessment of not inviting political forces and national figures?
I do not have a list of participants, but I knew that the invitation was extended to all actors without exception, and some accepted it, and some accepted it.
I also learned that everyone was represented in the best possible way, and today Cairo’s hotels are full of hundreds of Sudanese politicians. Thanks go to Egypt for its generosity. But this does not prevent positive treatment in addressing the shortcomings associated with the absence of any party whenever they exist.

*What are the criteria for participation in the Cairo Conference?

You can wait for the closing session, or ask the conference committee, but the criteria I sought include the parties’ commitment to democratic principles, the desire to achieve peace, and the willingness to engage in constructive and comprehensive dialogue. Participation must be based on a sincere intention to reach joint solutions that support stability and national unity. It is known to all that Egyptian officials have made extensive diplomatic and political contacts and movements with all active Sudanese political parties in anticipation of holding the forum and in preparation for ensuring the success of the conference. Naturally, through the outcome of those meetings, they They determined the parties to which they would extend an invitation to participate, bearing in mind that most of the Sudanese political and civil forces had offices and headquarters in Egypt after the war, and meetings and coordination were conducted with them.

*Do you expect the Egyptian move to make a breakthrough in the crisis file?

Yes, we believe that the Egyptian move could make a breakthrough in the crisis file, given the close historical relations between Egypt and Sudan, and the continued Egyptian support for Sudan in various crises. It is highly expected that the Sudanese crisis will be resolved and solutions will be reached through Egyptian action. This expectation stems from the conviction that the Egyptian leadership, represented by President Sisi and his assistants in the Sudan file, have the ability more than others to deal with the challenges, tensions, intersections, and conflict of visions between the Sudanese political forces to a great extent. Balance and wisdom. In addition, the Egyptian President, with his new government, is betting on an active Egyptian role to resolve the Sudanese crisis. The Sudanese are betting that Egypt is qualified and more capable than others to decipher the hieroglyphs of the Sudanese crisis. In general, the Egyptian role is indispensable for resolving the crisis in Sudan. It is known that when Sudan is infected with the disease, Egypt is the first to become infected, and the region will turn into a victim where remorse is of no use.

Are there political forces and armed movements that boycotted the event for reasons related to their rejection of “progress”?

It is important that all parties have the opportunity to participate in the dialogue without exception, and that different concerns and positions are addressed in a spirit of tolerance and openness. The absence of any party may hinder achieving a comprehensive consensus, and we therefore call on everyone to participate in a spirit of national responsibility.

*Hamdok’s participation sparked widespread controversy. What is your comment? Are there guarantees?

The participation of Dr. Abdullah Hamdok reflects the importance of involving all Sudanese parties in the Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue. We must all stop bombarding attempts to resolve the national crisis. I am confident  that the conference will be a good step for the benefit of the Sudanese state, its institutions, and the future of peace. Sudan receives nothing but goodness from Egypt.
As for the controversy over Hamdok’s participation, which I referred to, it is a natural thing in light of the lack of trust between the Sudanese political forces and in light of the current classifications, where part of the political forces support the Sudanese army and another part supports the militia. But in light of the situation in Sudan reaching these dangerous stages, everyone must pay attention. The alarm bell is out of concern to stop the continuation of the policy of intrigue and opposition, and to work to preserve the country’s unity and cohesion, and to postpone the political conflict and partisan competition that have opened the country’s doors wide to harmful foreign interventions. The Sudanese civil political forces must seize this last opportunity, before it is too late, to lay the foundations for a radically different approach. And sustainable to end the rebellion and war and to return the displaced and refugees to their homes, before it is too late and the homeland collapses on everyone’s heads, God forbid.

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