
A Message in the Mail for the people of the Two Regions

Mohammed Al-Noorani

The people of the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile regions, belonging to the SPLM-North, played a major role in the combat, cultural, social, and political fields in those regions, informing citizens of their rights in development and services and participating in the administration of the state through its basic levels, all the way to the central.

The issues of the two regions focus on the lack of development and services, as is the case with other regions of Sudan, which continued to suffer from a lack of services, especially education, health, drinking water, and electricity, and there are areas where children and women travel long distances through animals in order to fetch water…

The children also walk long distances on foot To reach schools, women die due to the lack of a midwife or hospital to receive critical cases of pregnant women and difficult childbirth that need health care from a doctor or specialist. There is no doubt that the suffering of our people in the Nuba Mountains and the Blue Nile was the greatest proportion of the war that led to displacement and asylum Thousands are in harsh and difficult conditions, and the suffering multiplies in the autumn when there are no means of movement and transportation.

From their point of view, the people of the two regions also see that they have suffered marginalization due to their lack of participation in the authority and management of the state at all its upper, middle, and lower levels, and their employment in the civil service in government institutions and bodies.

For all this, the people of the two regions took up arms and rebelled against the constitution of the existing state at that time. They continued their struggle, demanding the rights that they had fought for over many years. They continued to bear arms in the face of all the governments that successively ruled, even after the December 2018 revolution that ended the rule of the old Salvation Regime…

The hopes of our people in the two regions and the whole of Sudan were to foresee a new era witnessing the presence of all armed struggle movements to Khartoum and participation in the transitional government…

Therefore, they responded when the Military Council initiated contact with the leaders of the movements and called them for peace and to return to the bosom of the homeland and contribute to its construction in light of the revolution and change, and their contacts continued. Until it culminated in the signing of the political declaration with the Sudanese Revolutionary Front with all its factions and the SPLM-North (Jinnah al-Hilu) mediated by the government of the State of South Sudan, which led to the Juba Agreement for the Peace of Sudan, and there is still hope to reach an agreement with the SPLM-North-Jinnah al-Hilu.

My message to the people of the Nuba Mountains region who belong to the movement is to take into account the suffering of our people in displacement and asylum, and those in the region in general, whether under the control of the government or the movement and to control the voice of reason and raise objective and expressive issues and demands in order to reach a just and comprehensive peace that ends the suffering of the people of the Nuba Mountains…

An appeal to the leaders of the movement (Ammar Amum – Jaqoud – and the rest of the group of comrades from the Nuba Mountains) to take into account the circumstances of your people, as they are the ones who pay the price alone.

The two leaders, Dr. Muhammad Youssef Ahmad Al-Mustafa and Muhammad Jalal Hashem, undoubtedly belong to the movement and among its loyal cadres, especially Dr. Muhammad Youssef Ahmad Al-Mustafa, who won the trust of the late Dr. John Garang, and for that, he received respect, but was he displaced or his family sought refuge on the island? Of course not. Likewise, Dr. Muhammad Jalal Hashem did not flee or seek refuge in his family in the homes of the allies. So, the people of the Nuba Mountains are the ones who tread the hot coals, so as not to be a vehicle for the agendas of others.

My message to the people of the Blue Nile region belonging to the movement is to take into account the conditions of the displaced and refugees for a better future, and my appeal to the leaders (Joseph Taka – Soldier Suleiman – Stephen Amad – Al-Shafee and the rest of the comrades) to come to peace, especially after the joining of your comrades in the popular movement – Aqar Pavilion for Peace in Sudan And start implementing it in the region.

A More Distant Vision

The Sudanese proverb is commonly mentioned; The ember burns the those who step on it, and our people in the two regions, the Nuba Mountains and the Blue Nile are the ones who tread the embers, so their children in the movement should take this into consideration for a better life and a bright future…

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