
The United States of America Transforms Diplomatic Relations with Sudan from Strategic Engagement to the Status of Normal Bilateral Relations

Staff Writer

The Sudanese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Maryam Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi, met in her office today with Mrs. Amber Baskett, Chargé d’Affairs of the US Embassy in Khartoum, who conveyed to the Minister the decision of her country’s government to transfer the diplomatic relationship between the two countries to the status of normal relations instead of the pattern taken by the United States in managing its bilateral relations with Sudan According to what was known as the Strategic Engagement Plan, in appreciation of the achievements of the transitional civilian government, and this is in line with the new reality in US relations with Sudan.

For her part, the Minister of Foreign Affairs welcomed this deserved step, describing it as coming at an appropriate time that takes into account the development of bilateral relations and the important internal developments that Sudan is witnessing, and that the development of relations with the United States would support the government’s efforts in the democratic transition and address its challenges, especially after the recent announcement of the Prime Minister’s initiative.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that the strategic engagement plan that the United States was adopting in managing its bilateral relations with Sudan was limited to monitoring and following up the performance of the Government of Sudan in certain tracks determined by the American side, and measuring against them what could follow from the development of bilateral relations, which is What was the reality of the situation in the relations of the two countries during the period of the former regime.

It should be noted that Sudan’s relations with the United States of America have witnessed a steady development since the formation of the transitional civilian government in September 2019. The most prominent manifestations of this development were the removal of Sudan’s name from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, the restoration of sovereign immunity to it, and the contribution to efforts to forgive Sudan’s debts and arrears in financial institutions. International and the development of Sudan’s situation in the human rights reports issued by the United States concerning religious freedoms, combating human trafficking, and others.

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