
Al-Hilu and Abdulwahid … Fighting the Windmills!

Mohammed Saad Kamil

One of the most famous stories in the book is Don Quixote’s fight with the windmills. He sees some windmills and thinks they are giants. Don Quixote battles the windmills because he believes that they are ferocious giants. He thinks that after defeating them — all “thirty or forty” of them! — he will be able to collect the spoils and the glory as a knight. However, when he charges the “giants,” his lance gets caught in a sail.

Upon the signature of the peace agreement between the Sudanese government and the armed struggle movements in Juba, Yassir Arman called for using the peace strategically and not tactically to shape the new features, besides finding a strong, effective, and supportive to the transitional period. H also called for concentrating on the improvement of the livelihood of the citizens and heading towards restoring the productive image of the Sudanese rural areas.

Arman described the achievement of peace as moving a dormant mountain considering that the ousted regime failed to convince such a number of the armed group struggle movements to come round the negotiations table to sign the peace agreement.

Indeed, since the signature of the Juba Peace Agreement not even one bullet came out from the rebels against the government or from the Sudanese army against the rebels although some armed struggle movements did not join the peace process; but it is definite, that those movements will join sooner or later.

Now there is an emerging alliance between Al-Hilu and Abdulwhid which the observers consider as a result of foreign pressures to push the two movements to enter into a kind of integration, a step which could be directed towards striking a peace deal with the government, hence silencing the guns for good and heading to development and production.

The war has its disastrous effects on man as well as the environment as it damages the economy and makes the state subject to foreign debts and inflation, and accordingly, the financial institutions decline from providing support to Sudan a matter that leads to economic collapse.

The Juba Peace Agreement represents a genuine opportunity for concerted efforts from Sudanese from all walks of life as well as the international community to enable Sudan to contribute to the regional and international economy. This in itself will assist in boosting the regional peace and security in the region due to the strategic location of Sudan in the African continent.

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