
Pro-Lifting of Subsidies

Mohammed Saad Kamil

A failed state means a government that became unable to provide positions and basic responsibilities for a sovereign country e.g. military defense, imposing laws, justice, education, economic stability, etc.

The common characteristics of the failed states include continuous civil violence, corruption, crime, poverty, illiteracy, and the following apart the main infrastructure.

Any state, even if it is working perfectly, is subject to failure if it missed its creditability and the confidence of the people.

Oil is an international commodity that has its international organization (OPEC) to control its prices between the exporting and importing countries.

Oil is linked to industrial and agricultural production series.

The globe does not opt for the free economy and open international trade through the WTO which in turn controls the global economy.

Now the economic growth is linked to the demand in the local market and the competitive ability of the commodities in the international export market.

In Sudan, experts called for implementing those policies to reform the deteriorated economy and to respond to the desire of the donors and the international community depending on the direct assistance to the poor to fill the gap which will occur after lifting the subsidies despite their recognition that there are no accurate statistics to determine the beneficiaries of such assistance.

The biggest disaster is comparing Sudan with some countries which apply the lifting of fuel subsidies considering that the step assisted in the growth of those countries’ economy, forgetting that the income of the individual in those countries covers the negative impact of lifting fuel subsidies compared to the income of Sudanese individuals which doesn’t exceed USD25.

It is high time for the government to evaluate the situation after lifting fuel subsides to recognize its impact on the economy in general, considering that the ordinary citizens don’t care about the satisfaction of the international financial institutions on the government’s performance; but they want the government to provide the livelihood requirements in affordance prices.

The transitional government should restore complete transparency and giving accurate information to the citizens, even if it is negative or disappointing, through a simple mechanism that can address all educational and cultural levels.

God bless Sudan.

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