
The Ministry of Culture and Information Presents Draft Laws for the Media Sector for Discussion

Staff Writer

The Ministry of Culture and Information proposed three draft laws related to the media sector, which were presented by Mr. Hamza Balloul, Minister of Culture and Information, to journalists for deliberation through their various platforms through a press conference held by his ministry today.

In the press conference, Mr. Hamza Balloul said that the draft bills for reviewing the policies and laws of the media sector in Sudan are now passing through the legislative process the stage of general discussion, which is the most important step in the path in preparation for their approval as laws in their final form.

Balloul called on all media specialists to work seriously to implement a media law that identifies with the spirit of the glorious December revolution, which made what we are living in the current atmosphere and what is presented of laws worthy of human beings are possible for deliberation and discussion as laws supporting public liberties for a Sudan that truly lives the reality of the revolution’s slogans “freedom.” safety and justice.

The Minister of Culture and Information indicated that delegations from the competent authorities will make a wide tour during which they will tour all the states to point out the three laws that have been prepared so far, in addition to two other technical laws that are being prepared to complete the total number of laws in this regard, five laws for the media sector.

The minister welcomed any proposals or recommendations submitted by all media agencies related to the development of the draft laws, calling on all media institutions to work on holding workshops to discuss and present these drafts and their treatments, purifying them of all impurities and repairing their deficiencies, if any, especially since there is still room for The time during August and September for these laws to be passed by the legislature.

He announced that all the capabilities of his ministry will be put to the service of media professionals, training and raising their capabilities through the institutions of the competent ministry, “Sudan Academy of Communication Sciences”, noting that his ministry is keen to work on finding a salary structure and allowances worthy of journalists to enable them to perform their role to the fullest.

He revealed that the government spokesperson’s platform will be launched on August 17, to start the process of information flow for the citizen to witness the development and promotion of government performance in all fields.

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