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Rapid Support Forces..Press clarification

Today, some social media outlets reported allegations that the Rapid Support Forces carried out hostilities toward Marawi airport. In the face of this false and misleading information, the forces explain the following:

  1. The Rapid Support Forces are national forces that carry out several national tasks and duties guaranteed to them by law, and they work in full coordination and harmony with the leadership of the armed forces, and the rest of the other regular forces, in their movements.
  2. The Rapid Support Forces affirm that they are deployed and moved throughout the country, to achieve security and stability, combat human trafficking phenomena, illegal immigration, combat smuggling and drugs, and transient crime, and confront armed robbery gangs wherever they exist.
  3. The presence of the Rapid Support Forces, in the northern state, and the city of Marawi in particular, comes within its presence in the rest of the states, within the framework of performing its tasks and duties, which extend to the desert.
    In this regard, the Rapid Support Forces provided many martyrs and wounded, to achieve security and reassurance for the citizens.
  4. The Rapid Support Forces calls on all citizens and the media not to be led by false information, which aims to spread discord and undermine the security and stability of the homeland.
    And warns those working to fabricate, promote and spread rumors, that they will pursue them legally, and there is no courtesy in the security and safety of the homeland. Office of the official spokesman for the Rapid Support Forces
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