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-Excellence Ambassador Yassir Ibrahim Ali Mohammed, Secretary

Deputy Executive of the ICGLR, and Dear friend Representing the Governor of Gitega Province at these ceremonies, – Mr. Representative of GIZ, Representative of the partners of


-Dear Journalists from ICGLR member countries,

-Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, all protocol observed. Amohoro

  1. Allow me, before any remarks, to fulfill my pleasant duty, to present to you the greetings of His Excellency Ambassador Albert SHINGIRO, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation of Burundi, who is the hierarchical authority National Coordination Mechanism of the ICGLR. He also wishes success to the work of this workshop of journalists from ICGLR member countries.
  2. The National Coordination Mechanism of the ICGLR welcomes the organization in Gitega, the political capital of our country, Burundi. which also houses the Executive Secretariat of the ICGLR. So I wish you, dear participants, a warm welcome to Burundia, country of milk and honey, country of a thousand and one hills, country of a thousand and one opportunities. Welcome also to this workshop which, I believe, will allow you to better understand the ICGLR and will therefore allow you to communicate better to promote the

peace and development in the member countries of our dear Organization. 3. Your profession as a journalist is noble. In the member countries of the ICGLR, particularly in Burundi, the role and place of the media are paramount for peace and development. So I encourage you to fully benefit from this workshop of journalists from the


  1. It is appropriate to recall in passing that the National Coordination Mechanisms of the ICGLR (which encourage you in your profession) are among the Organs of the ICGLR, a noble regional organization for peace, security and development in the Greater Region. Lakes. Its other organs are: the Summit of Heads of State and Government; the Ministerial Conference; the ad hoc meeting of experts

Excellency, Ladies and Gentlemen

  1. The organization of this workshop in our country, with the valuable contribution of the Executive Secretariat of the ICGLR, is in addition to other important activities that our country had the honor of hosting, notably last year, which testifies to a frank collaboration between the Government of Burundi and the Esteemed Executive Secretariat. These include the meeting of ICGLR National Coordinators from all member countries of our Organization (May 2022 in Bujumbura), the organization of the ICGLR regional women’s forum, the organization of a regional round table on peace education and mediation as well as a workshop related to natural resources in ICGLR countries.
  2. I would therefore like to reiterate my congratulations and thanks for the facilities provided by the Executive Secretariat of the ICGLR for the organization of this workshop

Excellencies, Ladies, Gentlemen, Dear Journalists

Allow me also to tell you very briefly about our country, and for those who come from far away, from other countries, particularly for its situation and its contribution to peace and development in the region.

  1. I would like to tell you that Burundi is a country where peace and security reign on the national territory. It is led by institutions resulting from the democratic elections of 2020, with a responsible and hardworking Government, under the enlightened leadership of His Excellency Evariste NDAYISHIMIYE, President of the Republic of Burundi.
  2. The Burundian population is keen to fight day and night the common enemy which is poverty and already embraces the national vision of “Burundi an emerging country in 2040 and a developed country in 2060”, which is also part of in line with the programs of the ICGLR, the United Nations 2030 sustainable development program, as well as the 2063 agenda of the African Union.
  3. Burundi, while enjoying the newfound peace, its vision and its efforts for inclusive development; thanks in particular to the support and support of its partners, is already making its contribution to the region and the world, through the responsibilities assumed as President of the East African Community, President of the Framework Agreement for peace, security and cooperation for the DRC and the Region, as well as third Vice-Presidency of the Conference of Heads of State and Government of the African Union. Next year, Burundi will be honored to chair the COMESA Conference of Heads of State and Government.
  4. I would therefore like to reiterate my congratulations and thanks for the facilities provided by the Executive Secretariat of the ICGLR for the organization of this workshop

Excellencies, Ladies, Gentlemen, Dear Journalists

Allow me also to tell you very briefly about our country, and for those who come from far away, from other countries, particularly for its situation and its contribution to peace and development in the region.

  1. I would like to tell you that Burundi is a country where peace and security reign on the national territory. It is led by institutions resulting from the democratic elections of 2020, with a responsible and hardworking Government, under the enlightened leadership of His Excellency Evariste NDAYISHIMIYE, President of the Republic of Burundi.
  2. The Burundian population is keen to fight day and night the common enemy which is poverty and already embraces the national vision of “Burundi an emerging country in 2040 and a developed country in 2060”, which is also part of in line with the programs of the ICGLR, the United Nations 2030 sustainable development program, as well as the 2063 agenda of the African Union.
  3. Burundi, while enjoying the newfound peace, its vision and its efforts for inclusive development; thanks in particular to the support and support of its partners, is already making its contribution to the region and the world, through the responsibilities assumed as President of the East African Community, President of the Framework Agreement for peace, security and cooperation for the DRC and the Region, as well as third Vice-Presidency of the Conference of Heads of State and Government of the African Union. Next year, Burundi will be honored to chair the COMESA Conference of Heads of State and Government.
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