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Statement on the Jeddah talks

General command of the Armed Forces
Friday, 2nd June 2023

Statement on the Jeddah talks

Our dear citizens,

The armed forces have repeatedly confirmed that its acceptance to the Jeddah talks was with the aim of finding ways for humanitarian assistance to reduce the suffering of our people that resulted from the current ongoing operations and to reach an agreement on military arrangements that would end the rebellion and bring our country back to the path of democratic transition. We have agreed to several truces and ceasefire proposals despite the rebels not abiding by it and its requirements, and their belligerence in carrying out violations and not implementing any of the terms of the Jeddah agreement. The most important term is exiting from residential areas and ending the use of civilians as human shields and withdrawing from hospitals, public institutions service facilities, police stations and opening roads. Those violations led us to take the decision to suspend the negotiations, and our delegation remained in Jeddah with the hopes that the mediators will take a fair and more effective position that will guarantee commitment to what was agreed upon.

Our delegation on Thursday presented a proposal on a timeline that was unofficially discussed with the mediators to ensure the implementation of the agreement in a way that would establish a basis for continued negotiations. The mediators surprised us with its statement to suspend the talks without responding to our proposal which it completely ignored and did not acknowledge in its statement. The lack of response and acknowledgment will not help in reaching a fair solution that fulfils the desires of our citizens of security and peace.

In conclusion, we still have hope in lighting the suffering of our people and we urge the mediators to continue their efforts in persuading the other side in implementing the requirements of the truce and short-term ceasefire that will ease the return to the negotiating table. We also renew our gratitude to the mediators for their initiative to solve the crisis and assure our people that your armed forces will remain keen on the issue of your security and safety.

With Allah’s blessing

Office of the spokesperson of the armed forces.

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