
Sudan Celebrates World Children’s Day

NCCW Renews commitment to Make Birth Registration Campaign A success

Haffiya Elyas

On November 20, 1959, the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, and on November 20, 1989, it adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Since 1990, World Children’s Day also marks the anniversary of the date that the UN General Assembly adopted both the declaration and the convention on children’s rights.

The National Council for Child Welfare (NCCW)celebrated World Children’s Day and the launching of the national media campaign to register births under the slogan (Register your child, protect their rights) under the auspices of the Minister of Welfare and Social Development and the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning in coordination with the Federal Ministry of Health and the Civil Registration Department and collaboration with UNICEF.

The slogan of this year comes to fulfill the child’s rights in line with the achievements and gains made for the rights of the child.

The National Council for Child Welfare prepared a draft of the new Child Law 2021 in line with the current situation of Sudan and the withdrawal of Sudan’s reservations to the African Child Charter and the approval of several legal articles that support establishing a criminal justice system that takes into account the rights and protection of children’s rights.

The Secretary-General of the National Council for Child Welfare (NCCW), Dr. Abdul Qader Abu, stressed NCCW will work hard until the child attains his full rights. He praised the efforts of the Minister of Social Development and his interest in children and childhood, saying that” we are ready through a strong mechanism to make the birth registration campaign a success “, praising the efforts of civil society organizations in supporting this campaign.

He referred to the objectives of the campaign and the means used in this campaign, which depend on the birth certificate, its freeness, and attention to segments of people with special needs.

He also stressed that the year 2022 is the year of birth registration in all parts of Sudan, stressing the importance of the midwife in the registration process and spreading awareness and the general culture of this program.

Major General Sami Al-Siddiq, Civil Registration Department expressed his happiness of the launching of the campaign, pointing out that Islamic Sharia takes care of the child before his birth, stressing their interest in registering births ” we have an integrated plan in the registration process, pointing to the citizens’ lack of interest in supporting certificates, in addition to the high rate of divorce in the country.

NCCW renewed commitment and attention to children’s issues in health, improving the environment and quality of education, strengthening community and institutional protection, and achieving comprehensive protection and development for all children in Sudan.

The National Council for ChildWelfare (NCCW) asserted the importance of creating the appropriate conditions to promote awareness of the protection of children’s rights in an educational, psychological, and social environment.

Child rights include the right to survival, development, progression, protection against harmful effects, prevention from mistreatment and attempts to exploit them in any form and guarantee their full participation in the family, social life, and culture.

The National Council for Child Welfare (NCCW) affirmed Sudan’s commitment to all international and regional conventions and treaties to achieve the best interests of the children by promoting and activating national legislation, policies, strategies, and programs that protect children.

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