
Nile Dream: Khartoum Strategy (2020)

Sayed Abu Saleem
Strategic Expert

To build a better future for the capital of Sudan, a strategy has been set to develop the public service sector, infrastructure, and tourism. The Key goals include reinforcing the economy and investment.

To do that many systems and projects are scheduled among them are, AlGayli industrial system, tannery industrial system, food industry district, integrated animal production system, Nile tourism system, agriculture production systems, smart government system, banana system, and social welfare town.

Khartoum State made a good start by being at the head of the table by writing its vision (Safe civilized and distinguished State)
There was great hope for the implementation of the Khartoum strategy which can impulse with its service and economic, but the strategy lost its standing.

In Practice, the strategy gained a weak implementation.
On the zenith of writing the strategy hopes were flying high but it was unknown, anticipations were on the edge of seats.

The strategy implementation is crippled for many reasons, among them are; the mother of all problems the financial resources, the high inflation rates, lack of coordination between leaders of strategy, Ineffective leadership preparation, a weak cultural environment which encourages enforcing strategy, drawbacks on control and performance evaluation, deviation of the strategic plan by politicians and leaders, the instability of political and economic situations, and dismantle on the entire thought of strategy.

Implementation Circle

To introduce a thriving and vibrant strategy implementation we need to; avail finance from the government budget, private sector, mobilization, donations, and loans, to form a body to represent leaders, instead of fragmented leaders of government departments, prepare a positive cultural environment, promote control and performance evaluation, enforce strategy law on deviation.

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