
Is the Glass Half-Full?

Muawad Mustafa Rashid

Frankly speaking, I am suffering a lot in providing the basic needs for my small and extended family.

The dire economic conditions which our country is witnessing have knocked on the doors of all houses and left their fingerprint on them.

But afar from our sufferings, an important question emerges, is there a glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel that makes us endure the current sour conditions?

Let us look at the full part of the cup and deal objectively with the conditions that accompany the transition which is similar to the difficult labor, to make the judgment fair and just.

With due respect to all views, I am feeling that our country is going on the right track and there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

This is not a kind of optimism, but an opinion based on evidence and data.

I will give some samples to bolster my point of view, with my satisfaction that the building has not yet been completed and that some failures could not be ignored.

Firstly, for the first time in the last five decades, the non-petroleum exports exceeded US$2 billion in few months and this means that number of sectors have started their contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

There is another explanation is that the government policies have resulted in encouraging exports and putting the economy train on the right track.

The growing figures in the government exports is an indicator that Sudan is heading to recover economically.

Secondly, in the fight against corruption, the Attorney General was given a free hand to deal with any corruption case and we have several examples such as the case of the recent appointments in the Foreign Ministry, and the readiness of the Dismantling Committee members to be subject to investigation over corruption within their committee.

Thirdly, the expansion of freedom of expression to the extent of writing vitriol about the President of the Sovereign Council or the Prime Minister or the RSF Commander in Chief in the newspapers or social media outlets.

Freedom of expression and political practices are the passwords in the development of any country because freedom means transparency.

Fourthly, on the Contrary to what was prevalent, the military component has been emphasizing on more than one occasion its full keenness to guard the transitional period till its end. This means that there has been a major change in the mentality of the military and that military coups no longer exist in their thesaurus which was practiced since the independence. This is one of the positive issues that resulted from the December glorious revolution through its raising awareness on the importance of the civilian rule.

Fifthly, one of the indications which could not be overlooked is that the public opinion has become influential in determining the directions of the government’s compass in many files, and this is evident in several situations in which the government listened to public opinion and did not deal with it with disregard and slander, besides the fact that the youth have become listened to.

Sixthly, one of the greatest gains that prove that Sudan’s future will be brighter is the buffers against hate speech and racism as there is collective action to bring an end to this ugly practice.

Seventhly, there is a considerable Political and ideological convergence, unlike what was happening in the previous practices a matter that indicates that the upcoming elections will witness fierce competition amid alliances and not political parties. This is a healthy indicator.

Eighthly: There is a considerable flow of foreign investments in the country and the recent conference which included the economic sectors in Sudan and Saudi Arabia is an indicator that Sudan has become attractive to investments. 

Ninthly: The peace achieved has led to silencing the guns and the fight between the government troops and the rebels. The peaceful revolution proved that violence could not lead to responding to the demands of the people and the general mood tends towards peace and categorical rejection of wars.

Last but not least, let us look optimistically to the future of our beloved Sudan.

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