
New School Year .. Challenges Ahead

Muawad Mustafa Rashid

The school year (2022/2023) started last Sunday amid enormous challenges and obstacles facing the students and their families. The school year was assumed to start mid-September, 2022 but due to the floods that hit most part of the country it was postponed to give the chance for the schools’ administrations to rehabilitate the school that was damaged by the floods.

Most of the parents complain form the high fees imposed by the private schools which reached in some schools to 300% compared to the fees of last year.
Some parents argue that the private schools concentrate on getting profits and not improving the educational environment within the absence of monitoring procedures from the concerned authorities in the ministry of education.
The new school year will face the challenges of the shortages in the staff, seats, and text books.
The school year will be difficult within the price hikes including the uniform and transportation a matter that might lead to the increase in the drop outs due to the failure in proving those essential items.
Frankly speaking all the problems facing the school year are due to the absence of the Ministry of Education role in controlling the fees of the private schools and its failure to provide the government schools with more facilities to enable it accommodate more students.
According to official figures there is shortage of 7 thousand teacher in basic level schools, 1865 in secondary education and 247 in vocational training centres.

Educational experts assume that this school year will go smoothly and the families will be able to overcome all the above mentioned challenges. The only fear is the political developments which might lead to security disturbances especially in greater Khartoum.
The new school year will face for the challenge of the existence of three stages i.e. basic level, intermediate and secondary. The biggest challenges will be in the intermediate stage which was returned in the ladder because there will be no enough classrooms , trained teaching staff and the availability of text books.
It is high time for the ministry of education to call for an urgent workshop to be participated by all concerned institutions and educational experts to discuss the challenges and finding out the appropriate solution to all the problems facing the educational process.

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